Saturday, 5 February 2022

अनन्या पांडे ने Gehraiyaan में दिए थे इंटिमेट सीन, ये देखकर भड़क गए पापा चंकी पांडे?

Gehraiyaan Ananya panday

 अनन्या पांडे ने साल 2019 में फिल्म 'स्टूडेंट ऑफ द ईयर 2' से एक्टिंग डेब्यू किया था। इसमें वह टाइगर श्रॉफ और तारा सुतारिया के साथ नजर आई थीं। अनन्या पांडे ने इंडस्ट्री में अपनी जगह बना ली है.

डायरेक्टर शकुन बत्रा की फिल्म 'गहराइयाँ ' 11 फरवरी को ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म अमेजन प्राइम पर रिलीज होने के लिए बिल्कुल तैयार है। आधुनिक रिश्ते और ब्रेकअप पर आधारित इसकी कहानी में कई इंटीमेट सीन हैं। दीपिका पादुकोण, अनन्या पांडे, सिद्धांत चतुर्वेदी और धैर्य करवा मुख्य भूमिकाओं में नजर आने वाले हैं। फिल्म की रिलीज से पहले अनन्या पांडे ने बताया कि इतने इंटीमेट सीन देखकर परिवार कैसे रिएक्ट करने वाला है। खासकर पिता चंकी पांडे।

अनन्या ने प्रतिक्रिया दी

अनन्या पांडे ने साल 2019 में फिल्म 'स्टूडेंट ऑफ द ईयर 2' से एक्टिंग डेब्यू किया था। इसमें वह टाइगर श्रॉफ और तारा सुतारिया के साथ नजर आई थीं। अनन्या पांडे ने इंडस्ट्री में अपनी जगह बना ली है. हालांकि, बाकी स्टार किड्स से खुद को कम कॉन्फिडेंट मानने वाली एक्ट्रेस अनन्या पांडे अब ह्यूमन रिलेशनशिप बेस्ड फिल्म में नजर आने वाली हैं.

ई-टाइम्स से बातचीत में अनन्या पांडे ने कहा, 'मैं बहुत उत्साहित हूं। मेरे पास जो भी स्क्रिप्ट आती है, वह मेरी मां पढ़ती है, लेकिन मेरे पिता नहीं। जब भी मैं कुछ करने का फैसला करता हूं, तो मैं उसके लिए कुछ खास नहीं होता। मैं हमेशा अपनी चीजों को बहुत नए तरीके से देखना पसंद करता हूं। मेरे माता-पिता मेरे सबसे बड़े चीयरलीडर हैं। वैसे ही मेरे आलोचक हैं। मैं इस बात पर ध्यान देना चाहूंगा कि वे क्या सोचते हैं। उम्मीद है कि मेरी बहन रायसा इस फिल्म में होंगी। उन्हें मनाना बहुत मुश्किल है क्योंकि वह एक फिल्म निर्माता बनना चाहती हैं। हालांकि, उन्हें ट्रेलर पसंद आया है।"

फिल्म में दीपिका पादुकोण ने कई इंटिमेट सीन भी दिए हैं। रणवीर सिंह ने ट्रेलर को मूडी, सेक्सी और इंटेंस बताया है। साथ ही उन्होंने अपने पोस्ट से साफ कर दिया है कि उन्हें दीपिका के इंटीमेट सीन से कोई दिक्कत नहीं है। रणवीर सिंह ने लिखा, "मूडी, से* xy और इंटेंस, डोमेस्टिक नॉयर? मुझे साइन अप। इसमें मेरे सभी पसंदीदा हैं। शकुन बत्रा, अनन्या पांडे, सिद्धांत चतुर्वेदी, धीर्या करवा, नसीर द लेजेंड और मेरी बच्ची तो फाज़िलियन बुक्सक्स इस तरह दिख रही हैं। उन सभी में सबसे अजीब, करण जौहर ने इस फिल्म का निर्माण किया है।”

राहुल, धवन हुए पहले वन डे से बाहर, जानिये कौन करेगा रोहित शर्मा के साथ ओपनिंग वेस्ट इंडीज के खिलाफ?


Rohit sharma

वेस्टइंडीज के खिलाफ आगामी एकदिवसीय श्रृंखला की शुरुआत से पहले भारतीय टीम को एक बड़ा झटका लगा क्योंकि तीन खिलाड़ियों ने सीओवीआईडी ​​-19 के लिए सकारात्मक परीक्षण किया। सलामी बल्लेबाज रुतुरक गायकवाड़, शिखर धवन और श्रेयस अय्यर ने वायरस के लिए सकारात्मक परीक्षण किया है और रविवार (06 फरवरी) को होने वाले तीन मैचों की एकदिवसीय रबर में शामिल होने की संभावना नहीं है। 

धवन और गायकवाड़ के साथ COVID-19 और केएल राहुल व्यक्तिगत कारणों से पहले एकदिवसीय मैच में चयन के लिए अनुपलब्ध थे, भारतीय टीम को श्रृंखला की शुरुआत से पहले ईशान किशन और मयंक अग्रवाल को रिजर्व ओपनर के रूप में लेना पड़ा।

Ishan Krishan

भारतीय कप्तान रोहित शर्मा ने शनिवार को कीरोन पोलार्ड की अगुवाई वाली टीम के खिलाफ पहले वनडे के लिए अपने सलामी जोड़ीदार की पुष्टि की। रोहित ने कहा कि किशन श्रृंखला के पहले मैच में उनके साथ बल्लेबाजी की शुरुआत करेंगे क्योंकि अहमदाबाद में बाकी भारतीय टीम में शामिल होने के बाद भी मयंक क्वारंटाइन में हैं। रोहित ने शनिवार को प्री-मैच वर्चुअल प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस के दौरान संवाददाताओं से कहा, "ईशान मेरे साथ ओपनिंग करेंगे। मयंक अभी भी आइसोलेशन में हैं, हालांकि वह टीम में आ गए हैं। 

इसलिए, ईशान ओपनिंग करेंगे।" रोहित खुद लगभग दो महीने के अंतराल के बाद मेन इन ब्लू के लिए मैदान पर वापसी करेंगे क्योंकि वह हैमस्ट्रिंग की चोट के कारण भारत के दक्षिण अफ्रीका दौरे से चूक गए थे। हिटमैन पूरी तरह से ठीक हो गया है और भारत के पूर्णकालिक कप्तान के रूप में अपनी पहली एकदिवसीय श्रृंखला में जाने के लिए उत्सुक है।

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Ishika Taneja

Ms Ishika Taneja

Director, The Alps Beauty Group
This is what beauty with a brain looks like! Meet Ishika Taneja – young, vivacious and super talented – this 23-year-old go-getter is a perfect mix of grit, perseverance, humility, and elegance. Her spell bounding looks truly complement her benevolent heart. 

Saturday, 3 June 2017

Result CBSE Board 10th Class 2017

If you are one of the lakhs of students eagerly waiting for the announcement of CBSE 10th Result 2017, you have come to the right place. If the latest update is to be believed, the CBSE 10th Result for 2017 will be announced Today. Despite the delay in the CBSE Board Exams due to the Assembly Elections 2017 in five states, the board has managed to complete evaluation process quickly and is planning to declare the CBSE Result 2017 for Class 10 students on 3rd june.

Click here for CBSE 10th result Click Here

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Today's hororscope zodiac sign | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology

Today's Aries hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology

Two conceivable situations are on the motivation. Initial, a magnificently engaging individual will beguile you appropriate out of your searing little shoes with very little more than a word, a look or a signal you'll discover enormously appealing... alright, overpowering. Second, somebody could attempt to control you into managing something that is never been at the highest point of your most loved rundown: subtle elements you see as insignificant, as well as amazingly chafing. In the event that they touch base in the meantime, make yourself rare. It must be better over the long haul.

Today's Taurus hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

The sky have a remarkable plan set up for you, beginning splendid and early at the beginning of today. That course of action you've been dealing with constant for what appears like months will at long last begin to meet up, due in no little part to the way that you haven't had more than a couple of hours rest at one in any event that long. Still, restless or not, in the event that anybody can watch out for their fantasy, it's you. Try not to stress. A couple of more restless evenings ought to do it.

Today's Gemini hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

Still feel like you're ruining for a battle? Try not to give it a chance to happen. Not when you're this near accomplishing the objective you've been arranging out, minute detail by little detail, for longer than you'd want to recall. Plus, that current power battle you won reinforced your certainty as well as your conviction that you, and only you, are responsible for dispensing with anything negative in your life.

Today's Cancer hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

You require some time alone to rest, recover and start acting responsibly - all the more together, that is. Take it at this moment, on the grounds that throughout the following few days, you'll have your hands full with engaging both well-known friends and family and extending your hand to incredibly fascinating new companions. Regardless of the possibility that you don't rest, make certain to in any event close your eyes and do some imaginative perception.

Today's Leo hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology

Being the superstar isn't simply something you're utilized to. It's something you've figured out how to expect - and that has nothing to do with being vain, either. Individuals love to be engaged, however not every one of us are up for the test. So when you're in the inclination to perform, regardless of whether it's behind a bar, in somebody's front room or on a genuine stage, you're ensured an enthusiastic gathering of people. This time out, somebody you're very partial to will totally be in participation. Are you game?

Today's Virgo hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

It's been a difficult day, and a significantly longer week. The specific venture you've been centered around is going to find some conclusion, and despite the fact that it's not your style to compliment yourself before each and every little detail has been watched out for, this time out, it is by all accounts all together. On the off chance that a there's a very late switch of specialist figures or a touch of official staff juggling, don't stress. It's all piece of the ground breaking strategy.

Today's Libra hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

Only for the present, it will appear like everybody around you is in the temperament to be similarly as amiable and inviting as you attempt to be each moment of consistently. On the off chance that you have a desirous or even somewhat uncertain accomplice in the region when somebody alluring, clearly intrigued or greatly single begins acting particularly agreeable and benevolent, attempt to tone down your reaction time. Why destroy an immaculate night - and perhaps more - for a couple of minutes of being a tease?

Today's Scorpio hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

Somebody else so-quietly "working" you, for reasons you presently can't seem to recognize - and that reality alone is making you insane. Half of you accepts they're occupied with you for more than expert or non-romantic reasons, which displays an entire arrangement of issues you're as of now attempting to work out. The other half is pondering what they need. Ok, well. Try not to lose any rest over it. You're more than prepared to deal with either circumstance. The question is, would they say they are?

Today's Sagittarius hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

Your consideration has most certainly moved from intercession to more individual matters - individual matters and travel. Yes, given your druthers at this moment, as a reward for how great you've been of late, you'd like nothing superior to drop everything and take off for goals obscure with somebody of note you simply know would make the Eiffel Tower look far better - in the event that they were remaining before it with an awesome huge grin all over.

Today's Capricorn hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology

Your routine - something you're customarily very connected to - will be without a doubt disturbed now, however simply because of shock errands or short excursions you'll discover to a great degree lovely. This implies the inconvenience you managed as of late will be everything except ancient history when your head hits the cushion today. Meanwhile, don't give it an apprehension. Consider what a stunning day you're having - and about the way that tomorrow's motivation could display a similarly delightful moment replay.

Today's Aquarius hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

Settling on a decision between two appealing offers has never been something that is particularly irritated you - particularly when you've been in charge of masterminding each of them. That is what's on your plate, so set yourself up. Goodness, and on the off chance that somebody goes along who appears to be anxious to imagine they're precisely what you're searching for, don't feel committed to tell them you're on to them. Not immediately, at any rate. You have more essential things to consider.

Today's Pisces hororscope | Monday May 01-2017 | Daily Astrology 

In the event that anybody knows how it feels to be so darned upbeat, beguiled and insane in adoration, it's you. So when you go by somebody (or two someones) with 'that look' all over, hurl them a similar look consequently - or present a gesture and a toast from over the room. They'll get it. Joy and love are infectious, and you'll have more passionate offers than you comprehend what to do with.

Monday, 20 March 2017

All promises will be fulfilled By Yogi Adityanath

LUCKNOW: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday pledged to work for all sections without bias and said he believed in Prime Minister  Narendra Modi's slogan 'sabka saath sabka vikas'.

Addressing his first press conference after taking oath, the Gorakhpur MP also vowed to end the law and order problems in the sprawling and the country's most populous state.

In an apparent move to allay fears that he, as a long-time Hindutva icon, might discriminate against the minorities, Adityanath promised there would be no bias for or against anyone.

Agriculture, he said, would be made the base for all development work in Uttar Pradesh.

"Our government is fully committed to fulfil the promises made (before the assembly elections)."

Calling the swearing in of a new BJP government a historic occasion, the Chief Minister recalled BJP ideologue Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, saying his government was committed to fulfilling his dream of antyodaya.

"We want to assure the people of UP that our government will take the state on the path of development and prosperity and would do everything that it takes to do so," the 44-year-old said.

"We will adhere to the credo of 'development for all' initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi."

Government jobs, he said, would become corruption free and transparent.

Lamenting how in the past 15 years successive governments of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and Samajwadi Party had deprived the state of the development it deserved, he said the scourge of family politics and poor law and order would soon end.

"Our government will work for the empowerment, welfare and betterment of the poor and will be dedicated to public welfare."

The government and its officials would be made accountable to the people, Adityanath said.

Improved educational system, better law and order, job creation, skill development, round-the-clock power supply and women security would be the priority issues of his government, he said.

Cabinet ministers Shrikant Sharma and Sidharth Nath Singh were named the official spokespersons of the new government.

The spokespersons later told the media that the Chief Minister had directed his ministers to declare their assets within the next fortnight and to avoid making statements in the public.

Hindutva leader Adityanath was chosen by the Bharatiya Janata Party to be Uttar Pradesh's 21st Chief Minster after the party swept the elections.

9 Best Stomach Ache Home Remedies

Stomach hurt is something that every one of us experience a few or alternate circumstances in our lives. You may feel mellow to sharp agony and even stomach spasms. Any agony that happens in your stomach area is usually alluded to as stomach throb or stomach torment. While a large portion of the causes are not genuine ones and can be treated with home solutions for stomach hurt, others may demonstrate some genuine ailment that may require restorative intercession. For instance, stomach torment that outcomes from acid reflux, gas, indigestion, clogging, lactose narrow mindedness and so forth can be dealt with through characteristic cures and focusing on what you eat and drink. Be that as it may, the agony because of stomach ulcers, hernia, irk bladder stones, urinary tract disease, an infected appendix might be died down with certain characteristic cures yet they may likewise require master restorative consideration. In this way, if your stomach torment holds on even after numerous days, you can't eat or drink ordinarily, upchuck or have fever that simply doesn't leave, you ought to visit your specialist else you may receive these home solutions for stomach hurt.

Home Remedies for Stomach Ache because of Indigestion 

In the event that your stomach agony is because of a disturbed stomach or heartburn, you may feel such side effects as burping, queasiness, bloated stomach and a general inconvenience in your upper stomach range including torment. You may have acid reflux and resultant stomach hurt and inconvenience because of one or many reasons including gorging, having hot slick sustenance, GERD, peptic ulcer and notwithstanding smoking or nervousness. Certain meds like anti-infection agents too prompt to acid reflux. Here are some home solutions for stomach throb or uneasiness because of acid reflux.

1. Cumin Seeds for Stomach Ache because of Indigestion

Cumin has been for some time utilized for its fine properties that guide in processing sustenance. In the event that you utilize cumin seeds in your cooking, you won't not by any means experience the ill effects of heartburn by any stretch of the imagination. Be that as it may, if in any case you feel awkward because of all the nourishment there in your stomach not getting processed, you may then take help of cumin seeds. This Mediterranean zest has been generally utilized as a treatment for aggravation and gastritis. A few people may feel indications of acid reflux, stomach agony or indigestion with gastritis. Cumin may help diminish these side effects and concede alleviation from stomach torment. The smell of cumin because of its compound "cuminaldehyde" enacts discharge of spit accordingly helping in absorption. Another compound of cumin called "thymol" too actuates gastric emission for enhancing processing. The technique for expending cumin given here is an Ayurvedic method for getting help from stomach throb.

Get this:
•           Cumin seeds-2 tbsp
•           Water-4-½ mugs

Do this:
•           Add cumin seeds o the water.
•           Now heat up this water for five minutes.
•           Let the cumin dilute cool.
•           Now strain it and have this water ordinary.

2. Lemon Juice for Stomach Ache because of Indigestion

Citrus extract in lemon juice triggers the creation of hydrochloric corrosive in your body which separates the sustenance. Not having the capacity to separate the sustenance to process it legitimately is one of the fundamental driver of Indigestion. Alongside this,when you take lemon juice, you are helping your body keep itself sufficiently hydrated to work easily.

Approaches to have lemon juice for stomach hurt
1.         Get 1 glass of warm water, 1 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of nectar. Blend them well and have this lime-nectar warm drink after each of your dinners.
2.         Get a large portion of some water, 2 tsp of lemon juice and ¼ tsp of shake salt. Blend them well and have this lemon drink thrice a day.
3.         Get 1 tsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of mint juice, 1 tsp of ginger juice and a squeeze of dark salt. Have this blend for quick alleviation from distress in stomach because of acid reflux.

3. Hand crafted Probiotic Drink for Stomach Ache because of Indigestion

Probiotics, as you might know, are the great microscopic organisms that help your stomach carry out its employment easily by processing sustenances that you eat. When you experience the ill effects of heartburn, there are sufficient possibilities that these probiotics have decreased in sum prompting to your acid reflux and the resultant stomach uneasiness and torment. Yogurt, the plain one with no flavor or sugar, is one of the best regular probiotics. Why adage join it with some truly successful elements for processing and have it to get alleviation from stomach issues!

Get this:
•           Yogurt-1-2 tbsp
•           Coriander leaves-few of them (enough to get 3 tsp of juice)
•           Salt-a squeeze of it
•           Cardamom powder-½ tsp

Do this:
•           Add the yogurt in some water.
•           Add salt and blend well to get a buttermilk kind of drink.
•           Crush the coriander leaves and place them on strainer, then press to separate out their juice.
•           Add 3 tsp of this coriander leaves juice to your yogurt-water blend.
•           Add cardamom powder to this and blend well.
•           Have this brilliant probiotic drink one hour after each of your suppers.

Keep in mind to utilize just plain yogurt having live culture microbes in it.

4. Fennel Seeds for Stomach Ache because of Indigestion

In India, it is a convention to bite fennel seeds or have betel leaf arranged with different fixings alongside fennel seeds. Fennel seeds superbly cure heartburn by activating off the discharge of stomach related juices. This occurs because of the compound of fennel seeds called anethole, an unpredictable oil. Anethole can cure aggravation of the stomach coating and give you help from agony happening because of this.

Approaches to have fennel seeds for stomach hurt
1.         Chew half to one teaspoon of fennel seeds after your dinners. Do this in any event when you eat substantial, zesty, sleek nourishment.

2.         Make fennel tea to get help from stomach hurt and in addition spasms. Put 1 tsp of fennel seeds in a glass and pour high temp water over it. Cover and let soak for 8-10 minutes. Strain and have this stomach related tea thrice a day.
3.         You can even have crude fennel rather than fennel seeds. Take a crisp cut of crude fennel globule and bite this after suppers.

5. Rice Tea for Stomach Ache because of Indigestion

On the off chance that your stomach hurt is because of heartburn and you additionally experience the ill effects of looseness of the bowels in the meantime, you may consider utilizing rice in different structures for mitigating your stomach issues. What we call rice tea is really the forgotten water we get in the wake of cooking the rice. This rice water goes about as a demulcent by decreasing irritation as it makes a hindrance over a film, the covering of your stomach.

Get this:
•           Rice-½ container
•           Water-6 containers
•           Honey (discretionary)- 1-2 tsp

Do this:
•           Wash the rice and keep aside.
•           Boil water.
•           When it begins bubbling, add rice to it.
•           Cover and let it bubble for 15 minutes or till the rice gets to be distinctly delicate. Continue mixing in the middle.
•           Once the rice gets cooked, strain and spare the rice for later utilize.
•           Let the water depleted from cooked rice chill off a bit. You need to make it warm.
•           Add nectar if necessary and taste this warm rice tea to remember stomach throb.

Home Remedies for Stomach Ache because of Gas Formation 

At the point when your stomach snarls, moans, beats, turns, bloats, consumes, or hurts with excruciating spasms and agonies, this might be because of development of gas. You may feel uneasiness, bloating, sickness, migraine, touchiness and even trunk torment as though you have a heart assault! Gas development is for the most part brought about because of acid reflux of sugars and cellulose alongside different reasons like air gulping when eating or talking. While you have to watch what you eat and drink, here are a few solutions for such stomach long because of gastric inconveniences.

6. Preparing Soda for Stomach Ache because of Gastric Trouble

Any of the acid neutralizers that you purchase from market to get help from that bloating stomach, heartburn or going with sickness, it utilizes preparing pop as its fundamental fixing. Along these lines, why not utilize preparing pop to make your own custom made stomach settling agent! Preparing pop abatements exorbitant measures of hydrochloric corrosive in your stomach. At the point when the corrosive in your stomach corrosive joins with preparing pop, it makes a substance response which kills the impact on the corrosive, therefore giving you alleviation from stomach hurt.

Approaches to utilize heating pop for stomach hurt

1.         Mix ½ to 1 tsp of heating pop with 1 container or 1 glass of water (whichever you can complete), and have this to get moment alleviation from gas-bringing on stomach torment.
2.         You may likewise utilize warm water with heating pop. Blend ½ to 1 tsp of this pop with some warm water and have it.
3.         Make your own custom made acid neutralizer with heating pop. Press lemon juice of half or 1 lemon fifty-fifty glass of water. Presently include 2 tsp of preparing pop and a squeeze of salt to this lemon water. Blend and have it. You'll burp before long pushing out every one of the gas from your stomach which was creating torment. This will even cure cerebral pain which you get because of gas.

In any case, you have to practice an alert while utilizing preparing pop. Heating pop is nothing else except for sodium bicarbonate, a sodium aggravate, a salt. On the off chance that you experience the ill effects of hypertension or have been advised by your doctor to limit sodium in your eating routine, you better utilize some different solutions for stomach hurt.

7. Ginger for Stomach Ache due to Gas, Indigestion

Ginger, like some other home remedies, has been used since a long time to treat stomach ache. While our grandma or mama didn’t know and used it as a tradition, we know that ginger has in it the compounds called gingerols and shogaols. These compounds aids your muscles of intestinal track relax. This in turn, gives you relief from stomach ache occurring due to indigestion as well as gas. Ginger also gets you rid of nauseating feeling accompanying your stomach ache. While you can have ginger in any form, raw ginger is far more beneficial than the dry one. Also, ginger ale is better avoided because it has more artificial flavors and sugars than having real ginger. Ginger candies too have a lots of sugar that may aggravate your problem. Instead, have ginger tea or use one of these ways to have ginger for stomach ache

Ways to use ginger for stomach ache

1.    Make ginger tea by chopping a 1-2 inches piece of fresh ginger root after washing and peeling it. Boil 1-2 cups of water and add the ginger pieces to it. Let it boil for 2-3 minutes. Put off the flame and let it steep for another couple of minutes. Strain and add 1-2 tsp of honey which is entirely optional. You can have ginger tea without mixing honey too.
2.    If you can’t get the raw ginger or you can’t stand the strong flavor of raw ginger, use 1-2 tsp of ginger powder to make your tea and have it.
3.    Adding ginger powder to a glass of plain water and having it will also relieve you of stomach ache.
4.    You can simple chew on a fresh piece of ginger though it will be a lot spicy so do it if you can stand it. If you want, sprinkle a little black salt before chewing the ginger pieces.
5.    You may also crush a little piece of fresh ginger and extract its juice. Mix 1 tsp of such ginger juice with ½ tsp of ghee (clarified butter) and get relief from abdominal pain the Ayurveda way.
6.    Fresh ginger juice can also be rubbed on the bottom belly to cure stomach ache, especially in children as they may not be able to ingest ginger.

8.    Ajwain, Caraway and Other Seeds for Stomach Ache

There are certain herbs that are known as carminatives. They are great for digestion. For example, caraway seeds loaded with vitamins and minerals stop the growth of bad bacteria causing indigestion, gas and bloating. Some of such other seeds include cumin seeds, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, anise seeds, dill seed, and ajwain (sometimes called carom seeds).

Ways to use herbal seeds for stomach ache

1.    Chew on some caraway seeds after every meal. A generous pinch or two can do. You can also chew them when you feel gas in your stomach.
2.    Make a herbal tea by boiling 1-2 tsp of any of the seeds like cumin, fennel, coriander, anise, dill, ajwain or caraway seeds in 1-2 cups of water. You can even use a mixture of two or more of these seeds. Let the drink cool down and sip it to get relief from indigestion or gas induced stomach ache.
3.    Take ½ tablespoon of water and add ajwain (sometimes also called bishopweed) and black salt in it. Take ajwain in four parts and black salt in one part. Mix them well with half tablespoon of water and have this to get instant relief from stomach pain and bloating.
4.    Take ½ cup of warm water. Add 1 tsp ajwain, 8-10 drops of lemon juice and a pinch of black salt to it. Mix well and have it to relieve of stomach pain.
5.    Make caraway seeds tea. Add a cup of hot water to 1 tsp of caraway seeds. Cover and steep for 8-10 minutes. Strain and drink this herbal tea thrice a day.

9. Mint Tea for Stomach Ache due to Indigestion and Gas
This is a folk remedy for stomach ache and it works. Fresh mint tea or peppermint tea, if you prefer to call it like this, can relax your stomach muscles and help smooth flow of bile (the digestive juice) so that you can digest your food properly and do not have stomach ache. This is equally true in case of gas and bloating and that’s why you find so many mint flavored antacids in market. Chewing some fresh mint leaves can do the wonders. You can even mix juice extracted from mint leaves in some water and have. However, mint tea not only cures your stomach ache but also refreshes you up so make mint tea for yourself.

Get this:
·         Fresh mint leaves- handful of them OR dried mint- 1-2 tsp
·         water- 1 cup
Do this:
·         Boil the water.
·         Add mint leaves to this.
·         Cover and steep for 5-10 minutes.
·         No need to strain if you have used fresh leaves.
·         Sip the tea slowly feeling that your pain is going away.
·         Chew the leaves too, if you can.